May 13, 2024 | Featured Expert

Jim Wilcox is a Professor of the Graduate School at the Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley. Through 2021, he was Professor of Finance and Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy in the Haas School. His research interests include Federal Reserve policies and interest rates, banks’ lending, consumer attitudes and spending, credit unions, Islamic banking, and nonfinancial corporations’ internal capital markets. Wilcox originated Fannie Mae’s monthly Home Purchase Sentiment Index (HPSI).

Wilcox has served as the Chief Economist at the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, as a senior economist for monetary policy and macroeconomics at the President’s Council of Economic Advisers, and as an economist at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, all in Washington D.C. He has been a Visiting Scholar at the Federal Reserve Banks of San Francisco and Atlanta. Jim is a member of the Financial Economists Roundtable and is a Fellow of the Wharton Financial Institutions Center. Jim was a founding Fellow of the Filene Research Institute and has been President of the International Banking, Economics, and Finance Association.

At the Haas School, Wilcox teaches courses on macroeconomics and on banking.

Expertise and Research Interests

  • Federal Reserve monetary policy and interest rates
  • Banking
  • Small business lending
  • Unemployment and inflation
  • Consumer attitudes and spending
  • Credit unions
  • Islamic banking
  • Nonfinancial corporations’ internal capital markets

Vega Economics recently supported Prof. Wilcox in a case related to consumer debt judgments in the State of New York.

For more information about retaining Dr. Wilcox as an expert, email us at EXPERTS@VEGAECONOMICS.COM.
