Vega Economics’ technology, internet & media practice offers litigation support, consulting, and business planning. Our network consists of technology-focused economists and specialized academic subject-matter experts. Vega experts regularly provide analysis of internet and media issues relating to media markets, as well as tech sector issues relating to corporate structuring, antitrust, class action cases, and intellectual property. Members of the Vega network have also testified regarding damages and valuation in media and technology cases.

Below is a list of example engagements for our Technology, Internet & Media practice:

David Godes

Clyde F. and Ruth E. Williams Professor in Business, Johns Hopkins

  • Technology, Internet & Media
  • Marketing & Surveys
  • Data Science & Statistics
Daniel Ingberman

  • Technology, Internet & Media
  • Intellectual Property
  • Antitrust & Competition
John Kagel

University Chaired Professor of Applied Economics and Director of the Economics Laboratory at the Ohio State University

  • Intellectual Property
  • Technology, Internet & Media
  • Antitrust & Competition
Michael König

Associate Professor in the School of Business and Economics, VU University Amsterdam

  • Technology, Internet & Media
William H. Lehr

Research Associate in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Technology, Internet & Media
Nick Merrill

Founder and Managing Consultant at Broad Daylight

  • Technology, Internet & Media
Jeffrey T. Prince

Professor of Business Economics at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University

  • Technology, Internet & Media
  • Antitrust & Competition
  • Intellectual Property
Sharat Raghavan

Sr. Economist; Lecturer at Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley

  • FinTech, Blockchain, and Cryptocurrency
  • Technology, Internet & Media
  • Private Equity
Daniel F. Spulber

Elinor Hobbs Distinguished Professor of International Business and Professor of Strategy at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University

  • Antitrust & Competition
  • Technology, Internet & Media
  • Intellectual Property
Kate Talbot

Social Media Expert and Content Marketer

  • Technology, Internet & Media
October 2, 2023 | News
Class Certification Granted in Publishing Royalty Case

Judge Carter approved Plaintiffs' motion for class certification, class representatives, and Counsel in Bernstein et al v. Cengage Learning, Inc.

March 1, 2023 | News
FTC: "Keep your AI claims in check"

The FTC published a blog warning the industry to be cautious about making unsubstantiated claims about AI-enabled technologies. Click to learn more and for the link to the full article!

February 7, 2023 | Featured Engagement
Featured Engagement: Analysis of Copyright Royalties

Dr. Spulber was engaged to provide an expert analysis as to a damages methodology that reflects the value lost due to the publisher’s royalty reductions.

January 16, 2023 | Featured Engagement
Impact of Pandora's Reproduction Practices on Market for Music Recordings

In Flo & Eddit, Inc. v. Pandora Media LLC (2:14-cv-07648), Professor Spulber submitted a declaration in connection with Flo & Eddie's opposition to Pandora's motion for summary judgment. 

August 16, 2022 | News
Technology | Academics | Policy (TAP) Features Professor Daniel Spulber's Study

TAP features a paper, “Measuring the Private and Social Returns to R&D: Unintended Spillovers versus Technology Markets,” by Professors Daniel Spulber and Pere Arque´-Castells establishing the importance of markets for technology for innovation.

May 9, 2022 | News
Measuring the Private and Social Returns to R&D: Unintended Spillovers versus Technology Markets

Prof. Daniel Spulber's paper, Measuring the Private and Social Returns to R&D: Unintended Spillovers versus Technology Markets, was recently accepted by one of the most prestigious journals in economics, Journal of Political Economy.

March 14, 2022 | Insights from Experts
Prof. Daniel Spulber Weighs in on Draft SEP Policy Statement

Prof. Daniel Spulber joined more than 150 public comments that were submitted to weigh in on the Draft Revised Statement on remedies for the infringement of standards-essential patents (or SEPs) that are subject to a RAND or F/RAND licensing commitment. 

June 25, 2021 | Featured Expert
Dr. Daniel Spulber, Elinor Hobbs Distinguished Professor of International Business and Professor of Strategy, Northwestern University

Vega’s recently welcomed Dr. Daniel Spulber to our expert network. Dr. Spulber is an expert in antitrust, platforms and two-sided markets, intellectual property, technology and innovation, and industrial organization.

January 4, 2021 | Article
Facebook Litigation: Threshold Questions and Antitrust Analyses

Vega discusses the threshold questions that will need to be answered in the antitrust analyses of the recent Facebook cases brought by the FTC and attorney general from numerous states.