September 24, 2021 | Featured Expert

Dr. Haab is Professor and Chair of the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics and Dean’s Chair for Transformative Initiatives at Ohio State University.

Dr. Haab’s research focuses on the development of quantitative and statistical methods for the measurement of values for environmental and ecosystem goods and services, benefit cost analysis, and natural resource damage assessment.  Dr. Haab has applied research and consulting experiences that include large scale oil spills, harmful and toxic algal blooms, hazardous chemical spills, local property values, recreational marine and freshwater fisheries, marine debris, retail gasoline and alternative fuel markets, payments for ecosystem services, and consumer food choice. He has attracted over $3.2 million in external grants and contracts, and is the author of over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles, and three books including Valuing Environmental and Natural Resources: The Econometrics of Nonmarket Valuation, a standard book for teaching valuation methods in PhD programs.  

Dr. Haab has been Chair of one of the top departments of applied economics since 2010.  He recently served as Chair of the National Association of Agricultural Economics Administrators, has served on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Economics Advisory Committee, and was a former co-editor of the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.

Dr. Haab holds a B.A. in Economics from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County with concentrations in Management and Finance, and a Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics from the University of Maryland, College Park.

For more information about retaining Dr. Haab, please contact
